Saturday, July 25, 2015

The MOD Squad - Modify II Street Team (Coming Together)

Greetings to all. As you all know by now Modify II is going to become a reality, and the producers need our help to promote and raise awareness of the upcoming sequel.

The widely acclaimed 2005 body modification documentary, Modify, showcased various modified people and their various forms of body modifications who spoke about their feelings and views on various topics including, personal aesthetic value, spirituality, mutilation, permanent and temporary makeup, hair coloring, body building, all forms of body modification.

Modify The Movie brought many aspects of society's mainstream acceptable body mods into the fold with mainstream traditional body modifications from tattoos and piercings to extreme mods such as implantation, breast augmentation, gender reassignment, scarifications, 3D implants, and the whole gamut of extreme body modifications.

What Modify did was open the eyes of people both within and without the modification community and touched the lives of many people from around the world. People were inspired, some were educated and enlightened, and Modify also brought into the light the necessary shock value that changed people's perspective about body modification and about modified people in general, some for the better and some not.

What is worthy of notice is that the first film set the stage for the continuation of the educational values which many derived from watching the movie, and now Modify II is poised to take things to a whole new level and is sure to, as Greg Jacobson said, "Blow the first Modify out of the water".

Modify II has, in it's infancy stages, already excited many people the world over bringing people together in great numbers giving birth to The MOD Squad - Modify II Street Team, who are helping spread the word of the upcoming film, from many countries, including Denmark, the UK, Australia, Mexico, Italy, United States, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Pakistan, Argentina, Finland, with more representatives/warriors from other countries joining daily.

We are discussing and setting the foundation for taking Modify II out into the world and soon you will hear people speaking about Modify II at expos and other events in your country.

Modify II will help change the world for the better and you too can help so be the change you want to see by giving us a shout out, a thumbs up, and/or by proactively sharing our public page posts with your friends on your pages and in your groups to help this film come to fruition.

Modify II is about you, and it is for you, the modified community, let's all come together and help make a difference in the world around us today while having a positive effect on the future world for our children and our children's children.

Please stay tuned for more news you can use from The MOD Squad - Modify II Street team and if you have the time to spare and would like help, please join us in our working group and lets all come together as a true community and make this happen.

I hope to see you in our group, and please follow us on our facebook public page on the link below.

Thank you for your love and support.

~ Tiamat - Dragon Lady on behalf of The MOD Squad - Modify II Street Team

Modify The Movie on Facebook